Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Don't Pass The Blame

" An excuse becomes an obstacle in your journey to success when it is made in place of your best effort or when it is used as the object of the blame. "Bo Bennett

Did you ever have one of those days when all you can say is why me? When the guilt has came up behind you and it seems every little things makes you miserable that day? Who is to blame?

Its so much easier to lay the blame upon someone else, you're late for work because the " old man ahead of you did 30km the whole way " or you didn't get out of bed on time because " your alarm didnt go off " , or you didn't eat healthy today because " you didnt have time" .

All of these are nothing more but excuses, something to hide the real truth. Are we so naive that we cannot accept the fact that these things have nothing to do with what happens to us, it is all how we react and handle the situation? Is the whole perfection of our day, (by the way , I really don't believe in being perfect ! ) ruined by one little thing that someone else has done? The answer is No !It is time to start taking responsibility for ourselves. Instead of saying I am late for work because that old man did 30 km the whole way, understand , it most likely wasnt that at all. Your alarm apparently didn't go off, so lets face it, you were up too late last night and didn't get enough sleep, theres a start being honest with ourselves, so you were already running late as it was because you overslept, then you get behind this old feller who drives like it's sunday, well maybe he just likes the scenery, he has the time to drive slow, and i bet if you wouldn't have stayed up late the night before and you werent already late for work, you would enjoy this scenery also because you wouldnt be in a rush. When it comes to saying you couldn't eat healthy because you didn't have time, remember, when you skipped breakfast because you were going to be late for work because you couldnt get up because you were up late the night before?Well that has a big role in our day to start off with, if you fail to eat a breakfast high in protein, forget about the rest of the day, its basically down the drain when it comes to eating healthy, your body will crave junk and lots of it because you failed to take the time to eat your breakfast, even if you only have time for something as simple as a protein shake, the benefits of this being added to your routine in the morning are countless.

When we look at something as simple as this, it really reminds us, where do we place the blame in our eveyday lives ? Is it on every single person surrounding us because we are not man or woman enough to own up to our faults? Is it on our parents for the way that they have raised us? Is it on the community that we live in and the ways we have been taught? There are so many people we can blame for so many different things, how about , for once, we take a look at the real person at fault here, ourselves?

The one thing we do not want to do is scold or punish ourselves. Remember that inner child, who when punished would cry and be upset and hurt . Treat yourself with love and respect, understanding and compassion. Know that it's ok we all make mistakes, and in order to learn and grow , we must embrace those mistakes , not as challenges or as problems, but as a lesson we are meant to learn , a lesson that will come up sometime later, but we will be armed and ready for that lesson because of the strong person we have became. Before trying to pass blame, look to the source and see what the real issue is, remember, we are the one who creates our future with our thoughts and actions, so why not make the best of this life we have to live!

. We are the ones who have that opportunity in our hands and how we choose to see it, that is our own decision.

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