Thursday, January 7, 2010

Children See. .. Children DO!!!!

Children are our most valuable natural resource. - Herbert Hoover

Have you ever wondered where the habits you unknowingly use in your everyday life came from? Things from small simple to addictions and the feeling of a downward spiraling lifestyle that has been brought upon you because it is the lifestyle you were raised in. Chances are, and just like people say , you will turn out like your parents. Few people have the courage or desire to change when it comes to the type of household they were raised in.
Children see children do. When children see something for so long they start to believe that it in turn is right , because its all that they know. When that child is brought into a society where there are different beliefs , such as more structured ones, there is then that ability to identify something does not seem right with that precious child. Perhaps, its the fact that they are running around, yelling and screaming for your attention, or maybe they are sitting quietly just by themselves playing, or maybe the child who every time they speak has a rude hostile attitude towards their parents.
Whatever the case may be, you need to step back for one minute and look, compare that child to their parent, and when you do you will be amazed. I seen a child today who his mother was so caught up in talking to everyone , ignoring him and not giving him one second of her time. Remember that one second of time to a child is a lifetime contributions to they way they behave and perceive things. At work theres this 4 year old little boy, the same one whos mother I has seen ignoring him today. I had always heard that this little guy , was somewhat of a pain in the butt, one night when the alarm system had gone off due to a malfunction of the sprinker , i was at the frontdesk and his mom ran up, she said " im just making sure my son didnt press anything he shouldnt have" .. I couldnt believe what I was hearing, how could someone say something like that about a child? No matter what that child does, there has to be something deeper, there is always something more and you always need to look deeper into it. That still never changed my opinion, i never thought anymore about it though, until tonight. He was at work again, and he started to follow me around. My passion for kids is well known around work, so it was no surprise I had stopped to talk to him when he was following me around. While he was walking behind me, he had notice the hallway was full of people, so he told me to be careful because of it. Immediately i knew he was a very smart child for some reason just being able to pick up on things like these, I knew he wasnt going to act out of hand with me either, i could already sense that.
He had a Nintendo DS in his hand, I could tell he was excited because he had mentioned he got it for Christmas ! I started to ask him questions, and i could see his eyes light up, I was paying attention to him, the one thing a child truly thrives on. It blows my mind how a child so small could be so smart and to be able to basically have the defense mechanism of fight or flight in place in the way of " you dont pay attention to me, i dont pay attention to you" , ie, doing things that are out of line, to get attention when such a small simple thing could achieve such a heart of happiness. I would love to be the person to show him the way, i love children and believe they should live an excellent childhood emotionally because it impacts so many things in the long run, children are all young, innocent and cannot make decisions for themselves. If they are born with a type of behavior in their world, they become used to it, and they grow up defining their way of reacting to a certain situation based on the experiences in their childhood.

CHECK THIS LINK.. It's worth a second !!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Don't Pass The Blame

" An excuse becomes an obstacle in your journey to success when it is made in place of your best effort or when it is used as the object of the blame. "Bo Bennett

Did you ever have one of those days when all you can say is why me? When the guilt has came up behind you and it seems every little things makes you miserable that day? Who is to blame?

Its so much easier to lay the blame upon someone else, you're late for work because the " old man ahead of you did 30km the whole way " or you didn't get out of bed on time because " your alarm didnt go off " , or you didn't eat healthy today because " you didnt have time" .

All of these are nothing more but excuses, something to hide the real truth. Are we so naive that we cannot accept the fact that these things have nothing to do with what happens to us, it is all how we react and handle the situation? Is the whole perfection of our day, (by the way , I really don't believe in being perfect ! ) ruined by one little thing that someone else has done? The answer is No !It is time to start taking responsibility for ourselves. Instead of saying I am late for work because that old man did 30 km the whole way, understand , it most likely wasnt that at all. Your alarm apparently didn't go off, so lets face it, you were up too late last night and didn't get enough sleep, theres a start being honest with ourselves, so you were already running late as it was because you overslept, then you get behind this old feller who drives like it's sunday, well maybe he just likes the scenery, he has the time to drive slow, and i bet if you wouldn't have stayed up late the night before and you werent already late for work, you would enjoy this scenery also because you wouldnt be in a rush. When it comes to saying you couldn't eat healthy because you didn't have time, remember, when you skipped breakfast because you were going to be late for work because you couldnt get up because you were up late the night before?Well that has a big role in our day to start off with, if you fail to eat a breakfast high in protein, forget about the rest of the day, its basically down the drain when it comes to eating healthy, your body will crave junk and lots of it because you failed to take the time to eat your breakfast, even if you only have time for something as simple as a protein shake, the benefits of this being added to your routine in the morning are countless.

When we look at something as simple as this, it really reminds us, where do we place the blame in our eveyday lives ? Is it on every single person surrounding us because we are not man or woman enough to own up to our faults? Is it on our parents for the way that they have raised us? Is it on the community that we live in and the ways we have been taught? There are so many people we can blame for so many different things, how about , for once, we take a look at the real person at fault here, ourselves?

The one thing we do not want to do is scold or punish ourselves. Remember that inner child, who when punished would cry and be upset and hurt . Treat yourself with love and respect, understanding and compassion. Know that it's ok we all make mistakes, and in order to learn and grow , we must embrace those mistakes , not as challenges or as problems, but as a lesson we are meant to learn , a lesson that will come up sometime later, but we will be armed and ready for that lesson because of the strong person we have became. Before trying to pass blame, look to the source and see what the real issue is, remember, we are the one who creates our future with our thoughts and actions, so why not make the best of this life we have to live!

. We are the ones who have that opportunity in our hands and how we choose to see it, that is our own decision.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Here I am !

Well, here I am. Totally new to blogspot, but I feel I have so many lessons to help others learn. Life lessons, that today, we don't take a minute to see , what it right there in front of us !

How many days have you felt anxiety, panic or just plain stressed out? Don't think you're alone, because you are not. With the way the world is today, so fast paced, never enough time in the day to do all the things that we must accomplish by a certain deadline, to most likely please someone else. Think about this, when is the last time you took a minute for yourself and just took a deep breath and relaxed? Probably a while ago right?

Today, more than ever that is the problem of society. We say things we don't mean, we do things we don't mean, we make decisions because we're stressed out or angry, we hurt the ones we love verbally, our blood feels like it's going to explode in our veins, our hands get sweaty, we feel anxious, nervous, tense and so many other things all at once.

Just stop !!!! RELAX ! People are doing these things constantly, all because they feel the burden for time and feel they must meet a deadline either they themselves set, or someone else , and forget who they are, or what they enjoy, what really matters to them, and what comes from the heart.

Because of this, do we rush everything in our everyday life? You know, things like getting an education because it's what our parents think would be best, jumping into a relationship because it's what the other person wants, giving up what means most to us, to make someone else happy, losing ourselves all in the process of the everyday struggle.

Do we rush these things because its the push of everyday life , throwing us into them or is it all just because we are so strung in every different direction trying to please so many different people at once that we've forgot who we once were? who that person inside of us really is, what we really enjoy, and what reallly deep down inside makes our heart sing? When you are feeling stress or anxiety , you are unable to make a decision clearly from your heart.

Then there is the whole other factor of just being a people pleasing person. For so long this may be the only way you have known, never standing up for yourself or your rights and beliefs, always the person that will try to make someone else happy. The type of person who will give up their own happiness, their own life and dreams, to make someone else happy, is it a loss of self control and self worth? Or is it that rush? That knee jerk reaction to make a decision without thinking it through, because at that moment, it is what will make someone else happy and we can't say no.

The question Im really wondering is, is it society? or is it us? in our inability to really verbally communicate to others what we really want?